When buying a vehicle in Washington, you probably consider many things. You may choose a vehicle based on how big it is, what type of interior it has, the color of the paint or what safety features it has. You probably will use a combination of factors to determine which vehicle to buy. You may try very hard to choose what seems to be the safest vehicle, but did you know that sometimes the safety features do not matter? Certain models just are more likely to be in an accident than others.
Forbes explains that statistics show some cars are more likely than others to get into a fatal accident. So, when buying a vehicle, it is smart to consult research and see which models you should avoid if safety really is a high concern for you.
Overall, the deadliest vehicles usually fall into one of two categories. They are either sports cars or small cars. This makes sense because the size of these vehicles puts you more at risk than a more substantial vehicle for serious injuries or death in an accident. Furthermore, sports car often tend to make drivers feel as if they should go faster and take bigger risks simply due to the design of the car, which is made for speed and maneuverability.
The manufacturer actually plays less of a role in how dangerous a vehicle is. It is really about the model. Some of the models that top the list as most dangerous vehicles are the Mirage, Corvette, Fit, Forte and Spark. This information is for education and is not legal advice.
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